My Beloved Dog: Fifi

Like I described under my profile, I love dogs and currently have four dogs (Mom is taking care of them since I am not around at home). But, my brother has been home since the last couple of weeks.

Why do we want to have pets? Knowing that one day they will leave us and not only that, it can cost quite a bit!
Can you imagine from the beginning as a puppy (being disobedient, pee-ing and poo-ing all over the area, chewing your beloved slipper, etc...) and all the time you spend training them... We put so much effort into teaching them and it does sound like a strenuous 'job'.

Even after those sufferings, is it worthwhile to get a pet?
The answer is YES! We or myself get so much in return from them, the unconditional love they give us is invaluable. There is always the time when they come to you when you are feeling sad or lonely; waiting for you by the door to greet you after work; protects you from the danger (strangers, snakes, etc); be your confidante when you can't tell others your secret or problems; the list is endless...

Well, I just knew that my oldest dog, Fifi had a stroke (2nd time) yesterday. Mom told my brother not to tell me and I just found out about the incident today. Knowing that, I became so sad and cried! It is so painful to know that one day she will leave me. Each year passed by and I thanked God for giving Fifi (she's about 11 now) another year to live. I know that one day she will be truly gone and I don't know how I am going to face it. It is just so sad thinking about it now. Luckily, Fifi is all right now. I am hoping that she will be better soon! Thank you!


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