Rouen, France

Last day in France! So sad... I need more time here!
Anyway, I woke up in the morning and my cousin was already preparing 'Hainanese chicken rice' for lunch (obviously his own version of chicken rice).

Recipe (without measurement):
  1. Boil chicken thighs in a pot of boiling water. But before that, make sure you blanch the thighs with hot water first so that the soup will not be murky.
  2. Retain the chicken broth/soup to cook the rice. Rough estimate: 1 cup of soup to 1 cup of rice. Add slices of ginger to the rice before cooking. (I think my cousin added some Maggi chicken rice seasoning too!)
  3. Marinade for the chicken thighs: some oyster sauce, honey and dark soy sauce. Heat/Roast them in the oven for maybe 15 minutes or until they are brown.
  4. Not to forget: homemade chili and garlic condiment to accompany the rice. In a blender, add chili (preferably fresh chilies), garlic, vinegar and sugar. 
Well, that's just the rough idea of cooking the chicken rice. I really don't have the exact measurement.

Mr Cousin preparing chicken rice!

While waiting for the rice to cook, we went sightseeing around the town. It was snowing so heavily!  I don't mind the snow. It's going to be quite a while before i get to see snow again.
Me holding an umbrella. This is what happen when you put (heavy snow + strong wind) together! It was so funny... 

A church in Rouen
Still the same church!
We were pretty much soaked after a couple of hours walking around the town!
Finally, we walked back and had our lunch! The food tasted so good... It was nice to have some homemade chinese food after so long. After lunch, we said our goodbyes to Mr Cousin and continued our journey (supposedly 2 hours drive) to the jetty to catch a ferry to return to UK.

Not surprisingly, there was another traffic jam again. I remembered we got stuck on the road and there was a local policeman walking to each car and explaining what is going on to the drivers. So, the policeman came up to our car and start talking in french '.....????'. He can't speak English and we can't understand french. So funny! Finally, I walked to the car in front of us and asked the driver what is happening. Luckily, he can speak some English and explained that the road ahead was blocked and will be re-open soon. Meanwhile we were so worried because we were going to miss our ferry!

Bad road and weather condition... The cars were driving so slowly and we were so in hurry because of the traffic jam! So frustrating, but better to be safe than sorry.
Meanwhile, we called our cousin and asked him to call the 'jetty people' to explain that we will be arriving late and hopefully will not be forfeited. Finally we arrived there (about 2-3 hours late). Apparently there was other people who did not made it on time too. After about 2 hours, we arrived UK and continued our way to London...


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