Orange and chocolate chips muffins

I had a sudden urge to bake something! Checking my fridge, I have two oranges and spontaneously decide to make orange muffins. Rather than studying, I procrastinated by baking...

Recipe (adapted from Best Recipes website)
Makes 6 muffins

2 oranges 
2/3 cup of caster sugar
1 egg
100g butter
1 1/2 cups of plain flour
1 tsp baking soda
Dark chocolate pieces


  1. Boil one orange (unpeeled) in boiling water for 15 minutes. Squeeze the other orange and keep the juices.
  2. Cut the boiled orange into quarters, then each quarter into four and remove the seeds. Put the chopped oranges into a food processor but I used a blender since I don't have a food processor.
  3. In a bowl, whisk the butter and sugar until dissolved. Add the whole egg and mix them.
  4. Now, add the blended orange and squeezed orange juice into the mixture. Mix well.
  5. Add the dry ingredients (plain flour and baking soda) into the wet ingredients and mix well.
  6. Option: Add chocolate chips, chocolate pieces or sultanas.
  7. Spoon mixture into a six hole muffins pan lined with paper muffin cases.
  8. Bake for 25-30 minutes at 180 C or until golden brown.

Fill up mixture until about 3/4 of the muffin cases

Final product! 
The verdict:
The muffins turn out okay. Even though the whole orange was used, there was no hint of bitterness at all and the muffin is quite moist inside. Not sure why but the outer part of the muffin is quite dry and crunchy (maybe I overbaked it?) I think it can still be improved somehow, maybe adding more oranges to enhance the orange flavour.


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