3 of 27: Swimming with dolphins?

3rd mission accomplished: Swimming with dolphins?

I am not sure whether this wishlish should be ticked off or not. Well, I was in close contact with a dolphin named Rani but I certainly did not swim with her... Maybe you guys should be the judges and help me!

Finally G finished her exams and both of us visited Moreton Island last Saturday. G tried to visit as many places as she can before going back to her country for good. We left the Holt St Wharf at 7.30 am and the journey took about 75 minutes before arriving at the Tangalooma Island Resort. The weather was good: clear and sunny! Well, too sunny for me and luckily I brought along my sunblock and umbrella with me. Do you know what is the important 5 'S' for sun protection?

'Slip, slop, slap, seek and slide' Sun Protection

We booked the 'Dolphin Feeding Cruise' @ $95 per person. Besides the return travel by ferry, the highlight of this package is having the chance to hand feed one of the wild bottlenose dolphins that visit the shores each evening at sunset. Can I say that the dolphins are really punctual and they arrive there by 7 pm (which is the feeding time)! There were a total of 8 dolphins and they were so playful and childish. :D Sometimes I wish that I can be like them ...

Look at them!

This is the fish given to feed them, one per person:

Well, that is the closest contact I ever had in my life to a dolphin! We are not allowed to touch them. If we do, the staff members will 'kick' you out from the beach!!! I was so tempted though...

We were the first few people to feed the dolphins. There was still a long queue after us. Somehow, deep inside me, I realised that this 'hand feeding dolphins' seemed to be so commercialised. Can you imagine how much fish the dolphins would have eaten considering the amount of people feeding them? Maybe they just have big apetite ...

After waiting for the rest of the passengers, we continued our journey back home. I was so tired that night after a day of kayaking and swimming. Thank God I did not have any sunburn! :)

Enjoy some of the pictures I've taken that day: 

Love the ocean ...


I didn't realise that the sun sets so quickly, it was only about 1 min apart from the previous pic!

~ The End ~


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