Brown Dog Cafe

Brown Dog Cafe, Woolloongabba

Let's just say I may already be biased before writing this post up. Why? because it has the word 'Dog' in it and that is the reason I wanted to give this place a visit. :)

Not too far away from Pearl Cafe, lies the lonely, secluded Brown Dog Cafe. The cafe lies on the corner of Logan Road with lots of outdoor parking available. The cafe is pretty small offering both outdoor and indoor seats. Simco and I got there on one of the weekends and had to sit outdoor; simple and small 3-pc wooden table and stools. 

Brown Dog's Menu
The food they offer is too simple for my liking (no poached eggs ...). After deciding, I walked to the register and gave my orders (counter service only). I just realised that they operate only on one/two kitchen grills (hence the simple menu) and a coffee machine. 

Shortly after, our drinks arrived:

Skinny Flat White
Although it was pretty warm that day, I still ordered my usual skinny flat white. It was pretty good. Simco ordered a chocolate milk shake instead; commenting that it was delicious, with the right consistency and thickness of what a good milkshake should be.

Chocolate Milkshake
Finally, I could not withstand the glaring heat/sunlight and quickly find a new table inside. Again, there's no fan or air-conditioning inside. *sweating*

Big Dog's Breakfast - $20
haloumi, avocado, lemon, spinach, tomato, toast with ham and scrambled eggs
I ordered the Big Dog's Breakfast. Serving was huge! What can i say about this dish? Tomato and haloumi were grilled to perfection with fresh avocados but the scrambled eggs were just all right (not as creamy and smooth as I hoped) while the streak of fat on the ham definitely put me off a little.

Simco had the Lazy Dog Roll:

Lazy Dog Roll -$8
ham, egg, cheese and hp sauce
 No complain from his end so I'm guessing it must be pretty good.

Maybe my expectation was a little too high before coming here. No doubt Brown Dog is a cute little place for me but the food just did not hit the mark for me. Maybe go there for their coffee and milkshake instead?

Brown Dog Café on Urbanspoon


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