China Inn Restaurant

China Inn Restaurant, South Brisbane

How often would someone genuinely forgotten their boyfriend's birthday and celebrate his birthday one day earlier? It is very embarrassing for me to admit it, but I did it. Oops! My memories seemed to bring me back to the date we spent his previous birthdays instead of his actual birth-date. Thankfully, the Mr was very forgiving that night. 

After our magical night watching Le Noir, we sped walked to China Inn for supper. The Mr had been updated regarding this new restaurant that specializes in dumplings! It must be our lucky night as we walked into the restaurant at 10 pm and they are still happy to serve us. 

Quickly browsing through the menu, I told the birthday man that I want to try their xiao long bao and their Peking Duck! 

Peking Duck (4 pcs) - $12.80

So, here they are their Peking duck! It was not served in a soft bao but readily wrapped up in the pancake. The Peking duck was sliced thickly (which was awesome) and they tasted quite delicious. Not too bad!

Shanghai Xiao Long Bao (6 pcs) - $8.80
Their Shanghai xiao long bao certainly did not disappoint. It was juicy and the pork mince was flavourful. We both enjoyed them. We were tempted to order the second set but we tried other dim sum instead.

So, next up we tried their grilled shallot pancakes. Crispy little pancakes! I just had to dip the pancakes into some soy sauce for some flavour. 

Grilled Shallot Pancakes - $5.80
Shanghai pan fry pork buns with sesame - $8.80
I think pan fry pork buns is a must try together with xiao long bao. So we tried those as well. The pork buns do not look as delicate as those in New Shanghai but nevertheless, the flavours of the buns were spot on and they were cooked well.

Finally, we tried their pan seared pork dumpling. 

Pan seared pork dumplings (6 pcs) - $8.80
I was very full after having tried the different dim sum that night. The Mr had to finish most of the pork dumplings. I think they were quite good as well. 

Well, we certainly had a good time that night albeit my silly mistake and embarrassment. It was raining cats and dogs when we walked out from China Inn. Certainly soaking wet when we walked back to the car...  Happy Belated Birthday my dear! 

China Inn Restaurant on Urbanspoon


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