
Plenty, West End
One of the exciting part about my job is that I get to travel and work. Well, it can be exciting at times and sometimes not (especially when I am really really far away from home and do not possess a vehicle!). Good friendships are bonded during this work travel and finally Miss Jo and myself had the time to catch up!

Since she is relatively new in Brisbane, I brought her to West End market for a browse and then stopped at Plenty for some lunch. Needless to say, it was a busy Saturday and we had to wait for quite a while to get seats.

Unlike most cafes or restaurants, their ever-changing and seasonal menu is up on the wall. Trust me, it is not easy deciding on A MEAL, because they all sound so good.

Plenty's menu

After standing at the counter for at least 5 minutes, I finally decided on the duck egg, cotechino sausage with fried chickpea salad; with my usual flat white. As for Miss Jo, she went for the sweet option and had the twice cooked french toast with poached quince. Our drinks (flat white and cappuccino) arrived shortly and they were quite good.

Cappuccino and flat white

The meals in Plenty are all served in this huge white plate, making presentation clean and very palatable. My meal was beautifully presented and I really enjoy my meal. The highlight for me was the cotechino sausages. The balance of flavour in the sausage was good; and the chick pea salad made the dish more fulfilling. Yum!

Fried duck egg with cotechino sausages and fried chickpea salad
While my dish was colourful, Miss Jo's french toast was very simple looking. Do not be tricked though! This is probably the best french toast I had in life (maybe I exaggerated too much here)! It was really good. The toast was just soaked in this sweet milky liquid and it was so moreish. Oishii....

Twice cooked French Toast

Writing this post certainly bring me back to the past. How I wish I can be back in Plenty now.... Till next time when I meet lovely Miss Jo again!

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