These are my beloved dogs!

I've been so busy lately! So, what have I been up to? Mostly get all the cleaning done; even though classes have been cancelled for the past two weeks (due to severe flooding); it seems there is still quite a 'mountain' of house chores to do.

Anyway, these are my four beloved dogs!!!!

From left to right: Coco, Gigi, Fifi and Dodo
During my two weeks holiday at home, I will usually take them out for a walk in the garden during the evening. I've never taken a picture of all of them together and one day, i decided to put them on the swing. In that way, they will all stay still! Not sure whether it can be seen in this pic, but their legs were sort of stuck in between the 'grills'. Hehe, I'm being a bit cruel here but don't worry, they were in no pain at all! At least they all received a good treat later on! =)

This is the best picture I can take from them. Trying to make weird sounds or calling out their names but they all seem to ignore me.

So, what's their personality?
From the oldest to the youngest:

  • born in 2000
  • very quiet, barks only when she wants to eat or go 'kai kai', needs help (eg. carry her up to the bed or down the bed or even down the stairs)
  • very friendly
  • likes to eat fruits (esp. durian)
  • always sunbathe after she wakes up
  • likes looking out the window during car ride


  • born in 2005
  • the leader (but may be overtaken by Coco soon)
  • caretaker of the family (barks at stranger and sometimes relatives)
  • knows how to howl when the phone rings
  • likes 'kai kai', sits in the front passenger seat but doesn't like sharing with the rest (unless it's human)
  • born in 2010, older sister of Dodo
  • very mischievous, not afraid of heights, likes to run out from the house, likes 'kai kai'
  • always get into fight with Gigi (apparently only if my mom or me around)
  • born in 2010
  • quite quiet
  • loves to be close to people
  • doesn't like 'kai kai'; will urinate on the floor if 'forced' her to 'kai kai'
Note: 'kai kai' means taking them on a car ride

These are so far my memories of them! Hope all will be good and healthy!!! I miss them so much already! Love you guys...

I liked this picture! Not sure what they are looking at but i guess they were looking at the same object/other dog passing by!


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