Hamptons Home Living

 Hamptons Home Living, Paddington

It's Monday and my timetable says 'Holiday!'. So happy! MXM came along with me to try this new place out. First step into the cafe and you can feel that you are walking into someone's home... It has a really 'homey' feeling and I like it!

Enjoy their interior designs below:

Some of the items they sell in the shop - dishwasher brushes, towels, cute mice, etc...

I like that board:

Their Menu

We ordered coffee first, MXM with his cap and skinny flat white for me. Again, not a coffee expert, I think it was all right. The coffee is smooth but not that strong, in comparison to the one I had in Grub Street.

Skinny Flat White - $3.5

Cappuccino - $3.50
It took quite a while (25 min?) for the dishes to arrive. I was starving!

MXM ordered the vegetarian baked eggs (the other version has chorizo in it). He commented that the baked eggs tasted good, there's definitely lots of tomatoes in it and the sourdough was a good accompaniment to soak up all the flavours.

Baked Eggs, slow cooked tomato, thyme, Yarra Valley Persian fetta with sourdough - $16

As for me, I ordered the pork belly rosti. It does sound a little too heavy for breakfast but the serving size was just right. The egg was poached to perfection; the pork belly was tender (luckily there was no hint of the strong pork smell!) and crispy and delicious rosti (grated potato)! Yum!

I have no idea what rouille was and I had to google it. Rouille sauce aka "classy mayonnaise" is most commonly used for seafood and it is a thick, bread-enriched sauce, getting much of its flavour and colour from saffron. My rouille sauce certainly has the rich orange colour and I can definitely taste mayo in it. One word for the sauce: Yum!

My only criticism for this dish is the pork crackling: it was not crunchy =(

Pork Belly Rosti, grilled tomato, poached egg and rouille - $18

Me trying to take my own reflection. =)
The verdict:
  • nice, homey, comfortable atmosphere (Nice view of the city if opt to sit in the verandah)
  • good food
  • good service
Hamptons Home Living on Urbanspoon

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