Love at first sight

His name is Doug
I just met him for the first time on Saturday

He looks so cute!
I took my time before getting close to him
Finally ...

I introduced myself
he seemed happy to have company
Good sign!

Don't you think he is cute?


The photo probably don't do any justice since I was trying to take his picture with my iphone. He is probably a cross between Labrador and Golden Retriever. I really like him very much but too bad I can't bring him home. He seems to be a very gentle and caring dog, doesn't mind me hugging him or rubbing his belly. I feel so happy and at ease hugging him, felt like I've known this person for a long time. 

Doug can be quite selfish, he doesn't want to share his toy with me the whole time I was with him. :)

Will I see him again? 
In a way, I hope not. 
Hope that a good family has adopted him

I'll miss you, Doug!


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