Three Monkeys Coffee & Tea House

Three Monkeys Coffee & Tea House, West End

After dinner, the eight of us headed to Three Monkeys for dessert. Be expected to park a few streets away on a Saturday night! Nested around the corner, it seems like a small cafe but walked further in and you can find more sittings in the backyard. Although it was a busy night, we managed to find a longish-log table and squished ourselves around the table.

These were the cakes we had:

Almond Biscotti

Lemon Lime Cheesecake

Banana Macadamia Pudding

Latte Brownie Cheesecake
They were delicious! If I have to choose, my favourite would be the 'Almond Biscotti' followed by 'Latte Brownie Cheesecake'. The cream served along the cakes were fresh too.

Three Monkeys Coffee & Tea House on Urbanspoon


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